Week 29/2024

The soft landing of the last few days transformed into anxiety before I could really enjoy it, but overall, it was a week of balance and I’m grateful for that.



I woke up on Monday with a headache that didn’t really leave me all day, and it kept returning through the week. I blame it on my still-awry sleep cycle, which is finally showing signs of much-needed improvement.


On the work front, I spent a lot of time fighting an untenable, self-imposed deadline. It took the calmness of the weekend to realise that I was becoming agitated for nothing. Hopefully, on Monday I will be able to calmly assess the situation once more and do what’s feasible and keep my eyes on the bigger picture. That aside, I prepared a lot of delivery files for a project that is coming to its conclusion. I’m behind on a third project, where I have hit a bit of a creative block, something that I will have to breakthrough in the coming week and produce work to share with the client.


Amber and I met our financial advisor, as well as my accountant on Wednesday. Both long-overdue meetings that I am happy I can cross of my list.


After several inordinate delays, I finally sent a set of three new zines for printing. I should have them in my hands by mid-next week, when I will start the process of photographing them and preparing a newsletter issue and my online shop so I can finally share them with the world. As it turns out, they will probably be in an exhibition and art sale before any of this, and I am hoping to have that sorted out soon as well.


The weekend was leisurely. On Saturday, we met Noopur and Rasagy who were visiting from Bangalore. We met for lunch at Guppy, and then went to The Bookshop Inc next door. Amber and I picked up a few books, and I placed a request for Sadak.

After that say be said bye to Rasagy, and the remaining contingent headed to Akar Prakar for an exhibition of printmaking from Bengal. The exhibition had some some beautiful artworks on display, but I wish there was more contextual information alongside. I fell in love with Ramendranath Chakravorty’s woodcuts. Sunday was spent at home, mostly catching up with reading. I finished the Phryne Fisher mystery I had picked up mid-week, after reading Julie Delporte’s Portrait of a Body. Now to return to Hindi Imperialism once again. I’ve already polished off three books during my struggle to finish it.


There is some worrying news on the parental health front, and we’re waiting for test results. Serious, but nowhere as bad as these things can be.